Research paper-Social Networking

While doing the research for this paper I was really surprised to learn that social networking is such a new activity.  The first site was launched only about ten years ago, and now millions of people are using online sites to stay in touch or meet new people.  I am not a fan of online social networking as I feel that face to face communication is so important.  When communicating online it is impossible to really feel what someone is saying, for example IF I WRITE IN ALL CAPS AM I YELLING or did I hit the caps lock button on accident.  I do see the need for this activity but it needs to be used in limited fashion not as a main way of communicating.  While doing research I found that 93% of teens use the internet as a venue for social interaction.  This may explain why when I had a part time job and had to speak to the teens I worked with I thought they had no social skills.  Maybe if I could have communicated with them online we all would have been more comfortable.  I kid, but the fact is no matter how much computers advance being able to speak face to face to another human will always be important.  I do agree with using social networks in school if for the right purpose.  Posting homework assignments and keeping lines of communication open between home and school are great examples.  However having students collaborate on projects online rather than in person to me seems backwards.  Students need to meet each other and get to know each other to be part of society.  Sitting in a room typing on a computer all day will lead to social isolation and a distorted view of reality.  If we want to teach anything about social networking in the classroom let us teach internet safety, and, like in Ed. Tech class, how to use the available programs in case they will help with future employment.  Having the knowledge base is beneficial but to make a whole class online or have all assignments done online I personally think will have long lasting negative effects.  At my last job when a new employee was hired rather than introduce himself he sent an all staff email.  To this day I never met him and had no desire to try.  We need to leave our offices, cubicles, bedrooms, etc. and get out in the world.  I found that social networking may have a lot of benefits but to me as a society we are already using it too much and the effects are starting to show.

One Response to “Research paper-Social Networking”

  1. Stephen Ransom Says:

    I agree with you that a balance is always what must be sought after. However, as culture changes, you will need to find ways to embrace the positive potential of new cultural tools. The definition of “social interaction” is changing. Both personal and virtual aspects need to be cultured, as a great deal of work is being conducted in virtual, social environments. This will only increase, so it is a necessary new skillset to address in education. It may not be an important skillset for where you work, but we need to always consider the bigger picture. And, I think it is becoming increasingly critical for teachers to participate in professional social networking in order to continue learning, growing, and collaborating with like-minded peers and professionals beyond your own limited human network. Of course, as you point out, the real “human” element is of lasting value and must be preserved. So, going for a balanced view in all of this I think makes sense.

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