Geek of the week

I was checking out the website sent to me from Dr. Ransom and was very excited to find this information available.  There were a number of great programs listed and each came with ideas of how to use them and why.  This is a great resource for current teachers that need the resources now, but also for us future teachers that will probably forget quite a bit of what we learn this semester.  Not that I want to forget it but my brain only holds so much information before some gets deleted. I especially like the news you can use program.  I believe that kids and adults should read some sort of newspaper daily if possible.  Although i this day and age most will read the internet.  Both are important.  First what a great way to practice reading skills but also a way to keep up to date on the happenings in the world.  This program would give kids an introductory look at news and may get them excited and motivated to check out the paper at home with their parents or open an internet site devoted to the news rather than MySpace.  I was forever trying to get the students I worked with to read the paper and they just flat out refused.  maybe had they been introduced at an earlier age they would have seen the importance of being up to date and how interesting a person can seem when they are knowledgeable about current events. 

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